Improve Your Oral Health with Customized Invisible Teeth Aligners

For many people looking to fix their crooked teeth, apperance is their main concern. Crooked teeth, overbites, underbites, and other dental problems can affect your self-esteem and make you feel bad about your appearance. However, your teeth should be straightened for more reasons than just aesthetics. Crooked teeth can cause major dental problems if left unstraightened.

Straight teeth minimize the risk of periodontal disease, a gum disease that can become severe enough to break down jaw bone tissue. Straight teeth allow you to chew properly and eliminate uneven grinding on your teeth. Straight teeth also align the jaw, which minimizes aches and discomfort. Having straight teeth can even help to open airways to help those with sleep apnea.

Invisalign is a newer way to straighten teeth. Invisible teeth aligners are practically invisible, their edge riding the exact ridgeline of your teeth. Every teeth aligner is a custom fit, made exactly for your teeth to slowly shift them into place.

Invisible teeth aligners must be worn for 22 hours in a day to experience maximum effect. While they are removable, they can’t straighten any teeth if they aren’t in contact with them. Invisible teeth aligners should be taken out during meals and at any other time you are eating or drinking anything other than cold water. If they are worn properly, most treatments last between 12 and 18 months.

Removable aligners are more comfortable than traditional braces. Traditional metal brackets have sharp edges that dig and cut into your lips and cheeks. They can leave sores that are difficult to heal.  Invisible teeth aligners are customized for your teeth.

One of the best benefits of a removable aligner over traditional braces is it allows you to take better care of your teeth. After all, a clean mouth is a healthy mouth, and by the end of your orthodontic treatment, you want straight teeth and beautiful smile.

With traditional braces, food particles and plaque get stuck around and inside brackets which become difficult to clean properly. If not cleaned properly, this can lead to gum disease and even tooth decay.

Worried about Invisible Teeth Aligners Cost? Custom-made invisible teeth aligners are available at half the price of the dentists office price online. Order online from the comfort of your own home.

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